WTF with LOB Programming in Java/JDBC
If you have ever dealt with LOBs in Java/JDBC applications, you know that it is not always straightforward, and sometime difficult to program cleanly. Let's take a closer look at the currently available approaches with Orace JDBC.
3 Ways to Slice and Dice LOBs
As of 10g Release 2, Oracle JDBC furnishes 3 ways of accessing and manipulating LOBs including:Oracle's LOB methods, optimized standard LOB methods, and LONG Streaming. Which one to use and when?In this article, i want to shed some light so as to make the reader more comfortable, bolder, when using CLOBs, BLOBs, and BFILE in Java/JDBC applications.
Oracle LOB Approach
LOB manipulation is done in two steps
Step#1: Manipulate the LOB Locator
Create or Retrieve, Insert, and Update the LOB locator using createTemporary, getEmptyCLOB, getEmptyBLOB methods. setBlob, setBLOB, setClob, setCLOB, getBlob, getBLOB, getClob, updateBlob, updateClob, setBLOB, setBLOBATName, setBFILE, updateBLOB, …, and updateCLOB methods.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT blobcol from XobTab”;
BLOB BlobLoc = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getBLOB(1);
Step#2: Manipulate the LOB Content
Write LOB content using getString, getSubString, and getBytes, setStrings, and putBytes methods.
tempLob.putBytes (1, bytarr);
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement ( "insert into XobTab values (?)”;
((OraclePreparedStatement)ps).setBLOB (1, tempLob);
Read the LOB contents and Stream the content out, using getBinaryStream, get-String, getCharacterStream, and getAsciiStream.
byte[] bytarr = new byte[20]; // 20 bytes chunk
BLOB LOBLoc = ps.getBLOB (1);
InputStream is = LOBLoc.getBinaryStream();
while ((length = != -1)
// process the chunk
bytarr = new byte[10];
In pre-10g releases, JDBC-Thin used the PL/SQL DBMS_LOB package for LOB operations; in 10g, it uses a more nativead faster protocol however, certain operations such as hasPattern and isSubLob are still done via the dbms_lob package.
Standard and Optimized LOB Approach
For LOBs of size less than 2 gigabytes, LOB manipulation has been simplified especially in 10g Release 2) by removing the need to explicitly manage the locator. The standard methods getBytes, getBinaryStream, getString, getCharacterStream, getAsciiStream setBytes, setBinaryStream, setString, setCharacterStream, and setAsciiStream have been extended to take BLOB, CLOB and BFILE columns as parameters. This approach simplifies LOB programming; under the covers, the driver does the right thing (i.e., taking care of the locator, etc).
Example: Strings or byte arrays can be stored/read into/from the database, by simply using setString or setBytes, getString or getBytes.
LONG Streaming Approach
LONG streaming is furnished to help faster retrieval of data from a LOB without all the LOB overhead (i.e., retrieving the lob locators and going through the lob protocol), which can be very costly for small data. All you need to do is define the column as a LONG, then the driver takes care of LOB to LONG conversion and vice versa. This technique is faster than the locator approach (up to an order ofmagnitude) however, it is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions: LONG streaming always starts at the beginning of the LOB (i.e., you cannot position or start anywhere); you may read as much data as you wish but only a single pass is allowed (i.e., you cannot read the stream twice).
Using this approach, CLOBs can be declared as LONGVARCHAR using defineColumnType. and streamed using getAsciiStream by redefining it a as
Similarly BLOBs columns can be declared as LONGVARBINARY using defineColumnType then streamed using getBinaryStream
// Pretend that these columns are of LONG and LONG RAW types
(OracleStatement) stmt.defineColumnType(1,Types.LONGVARBINARY);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“select LOBCOL from XOBTab”);
// Retrieving a Clob with getString");
ocrs.setCommand ("SELECT lobcol FROM XOBTab");
ocrs.execute ();
while ( ())
bytarr = stmt.getString (1));
ocrs.close ();
// Retrieving a Blob with getBytes");
ocrs.execute ();
while ( ())
ocrs.getBytes (2).length);
Get More
This article, excerpted from my book, summarizes the various approaches to LOB manipulation using Oracle JDBC drivers. You can find more details and code snippets in either the Oracle JDBC 10g R2 doc or in chapter 8 of my book.
Have you ever run across a Java Applet (deployed in a browser) that lets you maintain a CLOB column in the database?
Can you elaborate a bit more because Applets must use JDBc-Thin, which lets you maintain CLOB.
Have you experienced otherwise?
Yes, I have your book (excellent!) and it confirmed what I understood to be the correct way to handle this (with JDBC/Applets). I'm always glad to find a consensus on the correct way to program something... it is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
Your coverage in Chapter 8 on JDBC and LOBs seems complete enough, but I am still a novice with Java/J2EE (however, I'm an expert at PL/SQL). I am looking for a working example of a CLOB Editor based on a Java applet. It seems to me that this would be the ideal solution to the problem I'm running across with my mod_plsql version of a CLOB Editor... namely the 32K limit (or less with multibyte character sets) on VARCHAR2 data passed as a PL/SQL formal parameter.
I found a very nice CLOB Editor but, alas, it is only Windows based. I really need a pure browser based one. With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long. Have you run across a piece of code that handles this?
(sorry for the late reply)
Any comments?
Unfortunately, i could not find any CLOB editor other than the one you've already found.
This is an extremely helpful post, thank you very much.
One question. Is there anyway to get this optimization 'Long Streaming Approach' when reading from a BLOB column that is part of a cursor (ResultSet) returned from a stored procedure?
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I am looking for a working example of a CLOB Editor based on a Java applet. It seems to me that this would be the ideal solution to the problem I'm running across with my mod_plsql version of a CLOB Editor.
I really need a pure browser based one. With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
All you need to do is define the column as a LONG, then the driver takes care of LOB to LONG conversion and vice versa. This technique is faster than the locator approach.Las Vegas Lakeside Weddings
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This technique is faster than the locator approach (up to an order ofmagnitude) however, it is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions.
The viability and profitability of the algae installation will also depend on how the biomass bi-product is exploited.
LONG streaming is furnished to help faster retrieval of data from a LOB without all the LOB overhead (i.e., retrieving the lob locators and going through the lob protocol), which can be very costly for small data.
I'm always glad to find a consensus on the correct way to program something... it is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
Write LOB content using getString, getSubString, and getBytes, setStrings, and putBytes methods.
This technique is faster than the locator approach (up to an order ofmagnitude) however, it is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions.
It is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
This technique is faster than the locator approach (up to an order ofmagnitude) however, it is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions.
The viability and profitability of the algae installation will also depend on how the biomass bi-product is exploited.
I am looking for a working example of a CLOB Editor based on a Java applet. It seems to me that this would be the ideal solution to the problem I'm running across with my mod_plsql version of a CLOB Editor.
I'm always glad to find a consensus on the correct way to program something... it is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days
With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
All you need to do is define the column as a LONG, then the driver takes care of LOB to LONG conversion and vice versa.
It seems to me that this would be the ideal solution to the problem I'm running across with my mod_plsql version of a CLOB Editor.
With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
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It is only Windows based. I really need a pure browser based one.
With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
It is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
Also how quickly the system can respond to a change in demand might vary considerably across different storage technologies.
Have you ever run across a Java Applet (deployed in a browser) that lets you maintain a CLOB column in the database?
I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
It is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions.
All our products are brand new, with the excellent service from our laptop battery of customer service team.
This approach simplifies LOB programming; under the covers, the driver does the right thing (i.e., taking care of the locator, etc).
The viability and profitability of the algae installation will also depend on how the biomass bi-product is exploited.
it is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
This technique is faster than the locator approach (up to an order ofmagnitude) however, it is not as flexible as the traditional or optimized LOB manipulation and has the following restrictions.
Similarly BLOBs columns can be declared as LONGVARBINARY using defineColumnType then streamed using getBinaryStream.
As of 10g Release 2, Oracle JDBC furnishes 3 ways of accessing and manipulating LOBs including:Oracle's LOB methods, optimized standard LOB methods, and LONG Streaming.
If you have ever dealt with LOBs in Java/JDBC applications, you know that it is not always straightforward, and sometime difficult to program cleanly.
I am looking for a working example of a CLOB Editor based on a Java applet.
The Oracle JDBC 10g drivers, more specifically it's connection cache (a.k.a. Implicit Connection Cache) leverages RAC by subscribing to the following events and status.
It is a continual frustration for me to seek out the "best practice" approach, what with all the options available to solve a problem now-a-days.
With a lot of elbow grease I'm sure I could develop one in Java, but I'm too far behind the eight ball in my learning curve and I think it would just take too long.
i want to shed some light so as to make the reader more comfortable, bolder, when using CLOBs, BLOBs, and BFILE in Java/JDBC applications.
Can you elaborate a bit more because Applets must use JDBc-Thin, which lets you maintain CLOB.
The Oracle database supports very large CLOB/BLOB columns/data however, the average Java/JDBC applications manipulates mostly medium size LOBs of tens/hundreds Kbytes in size.
Hey, thanks for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.
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