Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Get the Best Performance out of Java in the Database

When you run Java in the database, what are the various execution modes? Are you taking the most efficient approach? In this post I'll touch on the various execution modes for running Java in the Oracle database.

As we all know, the best execution performance for Java is achieved via binary executables obtained through compilation (JIT compilers and/or static compilers). The Oracle Database currently furnishes a static native Java compiler known as NCOMP, which must be explictly invoked ahead of the deployment.

There are currently three execution modes: (i) fully interpret, (ii) NCOMPed System classes, and (iii) fully NCOMPed (or NCOMPed User Classes).

Fully Interpreted (System and User Classes)
In this mode, both system classes and the user classes, run interpreted. During the database installation, the non-compiled Java VM system classes are installed. By default, user classes also run interpreted and most customers stick to the default mode and are happy with the level of performance obtained, mostly because, as explained in previous posts and in my book, the combination of Java and SQL run faster in the database (even fully interpreted). However, this is not the most efficient execution mode.

NCOMPed System Classes and Interpreted User Classes
In this mode, the system classes run natively compiled while user classes run interpreted. The natively compiled system classes (NCOMP libraries) are installed explictly following the default database install, from the companion CD. Without further explcit action, the user classes run interpreted on top of the natively compiled system classes. The overall peformance is greater than the previous mode (i.e., fully interpreted).

Fully NCOMPed (System and User Classes)
In this mode, the system and user classes run natively compiled. User NCOMP requires an explicit action from the developers. It comprises three commands/steps: 'NCOMP', 'STATUSNC', and 'DEPLOYNC'.


This command takes Java bytecodes that have been resolved and verified during the loading phase (loadjava) and can therefore be trusted and expected to execute correctly, then does three things:
  1. gathers class info, generates a script that will drive the NCOMPing process, and produces the list of NEED_NCOMPNG orALREADY_NCOMPED methods
  2. Pauses for the Java-to-C translation: C compilation and linkage of each package involved into platform-specific DLLs
  3. Deployment/installation of the resulting DLL (unless -noDeploy) is specified

ncomp [ options ] class_designation_file
-user -u username/password [@database_url]
[-projectDir -d project_directory]
[-outputJarFile -o jar_filename]
[-oci -oci8]


This command checks whether the JAR files, ZIP files, or CLASSES files are NCOMPed or not.
statusnc [ options ] .jar .zip
-user /[@database]
[-output -o ]
[-projectDir -d ]
[-oci -oci8]


This command deployd the natively compiled deployment JAR file, to the database.
deploync [options] deployment.jar
-user -u username/password [@database_url]
[-projectDir -d project_directory]
[-oci -oci8]


NCOMP may give an order of magnitude speed up (i.e., 10 times) compared to interpreted execution. But as usual, there is no absolute figure; it all depends on what exactly you are NCOMPing as NCOMP speeds up only Java code, not the embedded SQL.

See more details in the Java Developer's Guide of the Oracle Database documentation nd in my book.


Anonymous said...

I bought your book and hoped it would be straight forward to finally got my java classes ncomp'd. Unfortunately I even failed to get the first example to work. Well, the first part where the code is interpreted works but then ncomping it fails.

I got a bunch of error messages, advising me to add additional grants, i.e.

The PL/SQL to grant this is dbms_java.g
rant_permission( 'SCOTT', 'SYS:oracle.aurora.rdbms.HandlePermission', 'HandleInp
utStream.SYS.java.lang.Object', '' )
ORA-06512: in "SYS.DBMS_JAVA", Zeile 198

However following the advice does not help at all.

Since it seems that your book is the only one on that subject and also google queries do not return helpfull results, I'm a bit wondering whether non Oracle developers really use ncomping.

Another question, not covered in the book and nowhere else (oracle docs, google,.. ) are prerequistes for ncomping (in addition to the companion cd), e.g. does one need a C compiler (if yes, which one), etc ...

Maybe you could unveil some more of the secrets of Oracle Database Java Programming.

Kuassi Mensah said...


Before ncomping, the schema where it runs must be granted javasyspriv
and java_deploy from sqlplus, as follows:

sqlplus sys/install
grant javasyspriv to scott;
grant java_deploy to scott;

Regarding the need for a C compiler, in NCOMP Configuration and PLanning in section 2.6.6, i mention the Settings_os.properties
file which is preconfigured for gcc. Sorry if this was not clear enough.
Let me know how it goes, Kuassi

Anonymous said...


thank your for your answer.

I already was aware of these required
role grants. So I'll still stuck with the described error where the reported ncom problem on executing

select jaccelerator_get_class_bits('java/lang/Object', 'SYS'), jaccelerator_get_class_digest('java/lang/Object', 'SYS') from dual

fails (either for ncomp and sqlplus) and the suggested soltution to add the lacking permission SYS:oracle.aurora.rdbms.HandlePermission
does not help.

Regarding the need for a C compiler
for which configuration is mentioned in 2.6.7 in my copy of your book my understanding of that section was that there are some for options available for applying some more fine tuning. So it was not clear at all, that the separate installation of a C compiler is mandatory.
(which I've already fixed now for my test environment but obviously this isn't the problem at the moment).

Do you have any further idea?
Would it be reasonable to post a request to Oracle metalink?

Kuassi Mensah said...


Regarding the C compiler, you are right, i should have been more explicit.

Regarding the error message, we have seen similar error messages and most of the time, granting JAVA_DEPLOY fixes the problem.

It seems like you have already gone through all this, so i'd suggest to file a Metalink TAR so that Support and development can look into this.

Thanks, Kuassi

Anonymous said...

dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT', 'SYS:oracle.aurora.rdbms.HandlePermission', 'HandleInp
utStream.SYS.java.lang.Object', '' ) is invalid.
valid is :
dbms_java.grant_permission( 'SCOTT', 'SYS:oracle.aurora.rdbms.HandlePermission', 'HandleInp
utStream.SYS.java.lang.Object', '*' )

Unknown said...

Hi kuassi,
I have a problem running ncomp. I ncompED my JAR file, but when i see in the database there are some classes that are incompiled. why is that?
The classes are:
[JAR Filename]_minimalClassLib

I try to compile mannualy with Toad but doesnt compile, and didnt show any code or description in the error.

I couldnt run my program without compiling these classes because i make a validate the connection with this query :
select * from user_objects where status != 'VALID';

Thanks in advance

Kuassi Mensah said...


These classes are used internally by NCOMP itself; you need to exclude these from your query results.


Unknown said...

thanks a lot,
One more question, it's normal that these classes keep incompiled?

Anonymous said...


vuong said...

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お見合いパーティー 名古屋
お見合いパーティー 名古屋
お見合いパーティー 名古屋
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夫 妻 浮気 東京

vuong said...

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先物 比較
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Anonymous said...

We use java stored procedure extensivly in our application. We have two version of functionality one is in interactive mode (web app) and in batch mode. The same code is used in java stored procedure. What we have noticed that Java stored procedure run lot slower that weblogic execution. I am using native compiliation with the help of loadjava command, (loadjava -nativecompile -v -u prod/password@schema /u01/oracle/gmapps/gpsc/int/dbproc.jar)

which helped, still we need performance enhancement. When I am trying to use ncomp I am getting

/u01/oracle/product/ -DJA_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/ not found

But I can traverse to the directory.

Any idea ?

Kuassi Mensah said...


I am glad to read that you use Java in the database.
NCOMP does not understand -D; i think you should set ORACLE_HOME and JA_HOME beforehand. As you know the JIT is much more transparent but requires 11g database.

Regarding performance, i assume you have installed the NCOMP libraries for the system classes.
If both the system classes and your application classes are NCOMPed, and you are doing database operations (SQL), Java in the database should be faster; unless your application is very compute-bound.


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