Kuassi Mensah
db360.blogspot.com | @kmensah | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmensah
and server-side JavaScript are hot and trendy; per the latest “RedMonk Programming Languages Rankings”[1],
JavaScript and Java are the top two programming languages. For most developers
building modern Web, mobile, and cloud based applications, the ability to use
the same language across all tiers (client, middle, and database) feels like
Nirvana but the IT landscape is not a green field; enterprises have invested a
lot in Java (or other platforms for that matter) therefore, the integration of JavaScript
with it becomes imperative. WebSockets and RESTful services enable loose integration
however, the advent of JavaScript engines on the JVM (Rhino, Nashorn, DynJS),
and Node.js APIs on the JVM (Avatar.js, Nodyn, Trireme), make possible and very
tempting to co-locate Java and Node applications on the same JVM.
This paper describes the steps for running JavaScript stored procedures[2] directly on the embedded JVM in Oracle database 12c and the steps for running Node.js applications on the JVM against Orace database 12c, using Avatar.js, JDBC and UCP.
This paper describes the steps for running JavaScript stored procedures[2] directly on the embedded JVM in Oracle database 12c and the steps for running Node.js applications on the JVM against Orace database 12c, using Avatar.js, JDBC and UCP.
JavaScript and the Evolution of Web Applications Architecture
the beginning, once upon a time, long time ago, JavaScript was a browser-only
thing while business logic, back-end services and even presentations where handled/produced
in middle-tiers using Java or other platforms and frameworks. Then JavaScript
engines (Google’s V8, Rhino) leave the browsers and gave birth to server-side
JavaScript frameworks and Node.js.
Node Programming Model
and similar frameworks bring ease of development rapid prototyping,
event-driven, and non-blocking programming model[3]
to JavaScript. This model is praised for its scalability and good enough performance
however, unlike Java, Node lacks standardization in many areas such as database
access i.e., JDBC equivalent, and may lead, without discipline, to the so
called “callback hell[4]”.
Nonetheless, Node is popular and has a vibrant community and a large set of frameworks[5].
Nonetheless, Node is popular and has a vibrant community and a large set of frameworks[5].
Node Impact on Web Applications
the advent of Node, REST and Web Sockets, the architecture of Web applications
has evolved into
(i) plain JavaScript on browsers (mobiles, tablets, and
(ii) server-side JavaScript modules (i.e., Node.js, ORM frameworks)
interacting with Java business logic and databases.
new proposal for Web applications architecture is the integration of Node.js and
Java on the JVM. Let’s discuss the enabling
technologies: JavaScript engine on the JVM and Node API on the JVM and describe
typical use cases with Oracle database 12c.
JavaScript on the JVM
Why implement a JavaScript engine
and run JavaScript on the JVM? For starters, i highly recommend Mark Swartz ‘s http://moduscreate.com/javascript-and-the-jvm/
and Steve Yegge’s http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/06/rhinos-and-tigers.html
blog posts.
In summary, the JVM brings (i) portability; (ii) manageability; (iii) Java tools; (iv) Java libraries/technologies such as JDBC, Hadoop; and (v) the
preservation of investments in Java.
There are several implementations/projects of Java based JavaScript engines including Rhino, DynJS and Nashorn.
First JavaScript engine entirely written in Java; started at NetScape in 1997 then, became an
open-source Mozilla project[6]. Was for quite some time the default JavaScript
engine in Java SE, now replaced by
Nashorn in Java SE 8.
DynJS is another open-source JavaScript
engine for the JVM. Here is the project homepage http://dynjs.org/.
Introduced in Java 7 but “production” in Java 8[7], the goal of project Nashorn (JEP 174), is to enhance the performance and security of the Rhino JavaScript engine on the JVM. It integrates with javax.script API (JSR 223) and allows seamless interaction between Java and JavaScript (i.e., invoking Nashorn from Java and invoking Java from Nashorn).
Introduced in Java 7 but “production” in Java 8[7], the goal of project Nashorn (JEP 174), is to enhance the performance and security of the Rhino JavaScript engine on the JVM. It integrates with javax.script API (JSR 223) and allows seamless interaction between Java and JavaScript (i.e., invoking Nashorn from Java and invoking Java from Nashorn).
To illustrate the reach of Nashorn on the JVM and the interaction between Java
and JavaScript, let’s run some JavaScript directly on the database-embedded JVM
in Oracle database 12c.
JavaScript Stored Procedures
with Oracle database 12c Using Nashorn
would anyone run JavaScript in the database? For the same reasons you’d run
Java in Oracle database. Then you might ask: why run Java in the database, in
the first place? As discussed in my book[8],
the primary motivations are:
(i) reuse skills and code, i.e., which programming
languages are your new hire knowledgeable of or willing to learn;
(ii) avoid
data shipping[9] i.e.,
in-place processing of billions of data/documents;
(iii) combine SQL with foreign
libraries to achieve new database capability thereby extending SQL and the reach
of the RDBMS, e.g., Web Services callout, in-database container for Hadoop[10].
Some developers/architects prefer a tight separation between the RDBMS and
applications therefore, no programming language in the database[11]but
there are many pragmatic developers/architects who run code near data, whenever
it is more efficient than shipping data to external infrastructure.
functions with data on the same compute engine is shared by many programming
models such as Hadoop. With the surge and prevalence of Cloud computing, RESTful
service based architecture is the new norm. Data-bound services can be secured
and protected by the REST infrastructure, running outside the RDBMS. Typical
use case: a JavaScript stored
procedures service would process millions/billions of JSON documents in the Oracle database and would return the result sets to the service invoker.
To conclude, running Java, JRuby, Python, JavaScript, Scala, or other programming language on the JVM in the database is a sound architectural choice. The best practices consist in: (i) partitioning applications into data-bound and compute-bound modules or services; (ii) data-bound services are good candidates for running in the database; (iii) understand Oracle database DEFINER INVOKER rights [12] and grant only the necessary privilege(s) and/or permission(s).
The Steps
The following steps allow implementing
JavaScipt stored procedure running in
Oracle database; these steps represent an enhancement from the ones presented
at JavaOne and OOW 2014 -- which consisted in reading the JavaScript from the file system; such approach required granting extra privileges to the
database schema for reading from RDBMS file system something not recommended
from security perspective. Here is a safer approach:
is part of Java 8 but early editions can be built for Java 7; the embedded
JavaVM in Oracle database 12c supports Java 6 (the default) or Java 7. For this
proof of concept, install Oracle database 12c with Java SE 7 [13]
a standard Nashorn.jar[14];
(ii) modify the Shell code to interpret the given script name as an OJVM
resource; this consists mainly in invoking getResourceAsStream()
the current thread's context class loader ; (iii) rebuild Nashorn.jar with the
modified Shell
3. Load the modified
Nashorn jar into an Oracle database shema e.g., HR
loadjava -v -r -u hr/ nashorn.jar
loadjava -v -r -u hr/
a new dbms_javascript package for invoking Nashorn’s Shell
with a script name as parameter
create or replace package dbms_javascript as
procedure run(script varchar2);
create or replace package body dbms_javascript as
procedure run(script varchar2) as
language java name 'com.oracle.nashorn.tools.Shell.main(java.lang.String[])';
Then call dbms_javascript,run(‘myscript.js’) from SQL which will invoke Nashorn Shell to execute the previously loaded myscript.js .
create or replace package dbms_javascript as
procedure run(script varchar2);
create or replace package body dbms_javascript as
procedure run(script varchar2) as
language java name 'com.oracle.nashorn.tools.Shell.main(java.lang.String[])';
Then call dbms_javascript,run(‘myscript.js’) from SQL which will invoke Nashorn Shell to execute the previously loaded myscript.js .
5. Create a custom
role, we will name it NASHORN, as follows, connected as SYSTEM
SQL> create role nashorn;
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'createClassLoader', '' );
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', '' );
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.util.logging.LoggingPermission', 'control', '' );
SQL> create role nashorn;
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'createClassLoader', '' );
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', '' );
SQL> call dbms_java.grant_permission('NASHORN', 'SYS:java.util.logging.LoggingPermission', 'control', '' );
Best practice: insert those statements
in a nash-role.sql
and run the script as SYSTEM
the NASHORN role created above to the HR schema as
follows (connected as SYSTEM):
SQL> grant NASHORN to HR;
SQL> grant NASHORN to HR;
the following JavaScript code in a file e.g., database.js
stored on your client machine’s (i.e., a machine
from which you will invoke loadjava as explained in the next step).
This script illustrates using JavaScript and Java as it uses the server-side JDBC driver to execute a PreparedStatement to retrieve the first and last names from the EMPLOYEES table.
This script illustrates using JavaScript and Java as it uses the server-side JDBC driver to execute a PreparedStatement to retrieve the first and last names from the EMPLOYEES table.
var Driver =
var oracleDriver = new Driver();
var url = "jdbc:default:connection:"; // server-side JDBC driver
var query ="SELECT first_name, last_name from employees";
// Establish a JDBC connection
var connection = oracleDriver.defaultConnection();
// Prepare statement
var preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
// execute Query
var resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
// display results
while(resultSet.next()) {
print(resultSet.getString(1) + "== " + resultSet.getString(2) + " " );
// cleanup
var oracleDriver = new Driver();
var url = "jdbc:default:connection:"; // server-side JDBC driver
var query ="SELECT first_name, last_name from employees";
// Establish a JDBC connection
var connection = oracleDriver.defaultConnection();
// Prepare statement
var preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
// execute Query
var resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
// display results
while(resultSet.next()) {
print(resultSet.getString(1) + "== " + resultSet.getString(2) + " " );
// cleanup
database.js in the database as a Java
resource (not a vanilla class)
loadjava –v –r –u hr/ database.js
loadjava –v –r –u hr/
run the loaded script
sqlplus hr/
SQL>set serveroutput on
SQL>call dbms_java.set_output(80000)
SQL>call dbms_javascript.run(‘database.js’);
SQL>set serveroutput on
SQL>call dbms_java.set_output(80000)
SQL>call dbms_javascript.run(‘database.js’);
The Nashorn Shell reads ‘database.js’ script stored as Java Resource from internal table; the JavaScript in its turn invokes JDBC to execute a PreparedStatement and the result set is displayed on the console. The message “ORA=29515: exit called from Java code with status 0” is due to the invocation of java.lang.Runtime.exitInternal; and status 0 means normal exit (i.e., no error). The fix is to remove that call from Nashorn.
Node.js on the JVM
discussed earlier, Node.js is becoming the man-in-the-middle between Web
applications front ends and back-end legacy components and since companies have
invested a lot in Java, it is highly desirable to co-locate Node.js and Java components
on the same JVM for better integration thereby eliminating the communication
overhead. There are several projects re-implementing Node.js APIs on the JVM
including: Avatar.js, Nodyn, and Trireme. This paper will only discuss Oracle’s
Project Avatar.js[15]
The goal of project Avatar.js
is to furnish “Node.js on the JVM”;
in other words, an implementation of Node.js APIs, which runs on top of Nashorn
and enables the co-location of Node.js programs and Java components. It has
been outsourced by Oracle under GPL license[16].
Many Node frameworks and/or applications have been certified to run unchanged
or slightly patched, on Avatar.js.
There are binary
distributions for Oracle Enterprise Linux, Windows and MacOS (64-bits). These builds
can be downloaded from https://maven.java.net/index.html#welcome.
for avatar-js.jar and platform specific libavatar-js libraries (.dll,
.so, dylib).
Get the latest and rename the jar and the specific native libary accordingly. For
example: on Linux, rename the libary to avatar-js.so; on Windows, rename
the dll to avatar-js.dll and add its location to your
PATH (or use -Djava.library.path=).
in general and Oracle database in particular remain the most popular
persistence engines and there are RDBMS specific Node drivers[17]
as well as ORMs frameworks. However, as we will demonstrate in the following
section, with Avatar.js, we can simply reuse existing Java APIs including JDBC
and UCP for database access.
Node Programming with Oracle Database using Avatar.js, JDBC and UCP
The goal of this proof of concept is to
illustrate the co-location of a Node.js application, the Avatar.js library, the
Oracle JDBC driver and the Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) on the same
Java 8 VM.
The sample application consists in a Node.js
application which performs the following actions:
(i) Request a JDBC-Thin connection from the
Java pool (UCP)
(ii)Create a PreparedStatement object for “SELECT FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME
(iii)Execute the statement and return the ResultSet in a callback
(iv)Retrieve the rows and display in browser on port 4000
(iii)Execute the statement and return the ResultSet in a callback
(iv)Retrieve the rows and display in browser on port 4000
(v) Perform all steps above in a non-blocking
fashion – this is Node.js’s raison d’ĂȘtre.
The demo also uses Apache ab load generator to simulate concurrent users running the same application
in the same/single JVM instance.For the Node application to scale in the absence of
asynchronous JDBC APIs, we need to turn synchronous calls into non-blocking
ones and retrieve the result set via callback.
Turning Synchronous JDBC Calls into Non-Blocking Calls
We will use the following wrapper functions to
turn any JDBC call into a non-blocking call i.e., put the JDBC call into a
thread pool and free up the Node event loop thread.
var makeExecutecallback =
function(userCallback) {
return function(name, args){
userCallback(undefined, args[1]);
return function(name, args){
userCallback(undefined, args[1]);
function submit(task, callback, msg) {
var handle = evtloop.acquire();
try { var ret = task();
evtloop.post(new EventType(msg, callback, null, ret)); {catch{}
var handle = evtloop.acquire();
try { var ret = task();
evtloop.post(new EventType(msg, callback, null, ret)); {catch{}
Let’s apply these wrapper functions to
executeQuery JDBC call, to illustrate the concept
exports.connect =
function(userCallback) {..} // JDBC and UCP settings
= function(query, userCallback) {
var statement = this._statement;
var task = function() {
return statement.executeQuery(query);
submit(task, makeExecutecallback(userCallback), "jdbc.executeQuery");
var statement = this._statement;
var task = function() {
return statement.executeQuery(query);
submit(task, makeExecutecallback(userCallback), "jdbc.executeQuery");
Similarly the same
technique will be applied to other JDBC statement APIs.
= function() {…}
= function() {..}
= function(storedprocedure) {..}
= function(query, userCallback) {..}
Returning Query ResultSet through a Callback
The application code fragment hereafter shows
how: for every HTTP request: (i) a connection is requested, (ii) the
PreparedStatement is executed, and (iii) the result set printed on port 4000.
var ConnProvider =
var connProvider = new ConnProvider(function(err, connection){.. });
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
connProvider.prepStat(function(resultset) {
while (resultset.next()) {
response.write(resultset.getString(1) + " --" + resultset.getString(2));
');var connProvider = new ConnProvider(function(err, connection){.. });
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
connProvider.prepStat(function(resultset) {
while (resultset.next()) {
response.write(resultset.getString(1) + " --" + resultset.getString(2));
server.listen(4000, '');
Using Apache
AB, we were able to scale to hundreds of simultaneous invocations of the Node application.
Each instance grabs a Java connection from The Universal Connection Pool (UCP),
executes the SQL statements through JDBC then return the result set via a Callbak
on port 4000.
Through this paper, i
discussed the rise of JavaScript for server-side programming and how Java is
supporting such evolution; then – something we set out to demonstrate –
furnished step by step details for implementing and running JavaScript stored
procedures in Oracle database 12c using Nashorn as well as running Node.js
applications using Avata.js, Oracle JDBC, UCP against Oracle database 12c.
As server-side JavaScript (typified by Node.js)
gains in popularity it’ll have to integrate with existing components (COBOL is still alive!!). Developers, architects will have to look into co-locating JavaScript with Java, across middle and database tiers.
[1] http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2015/01/14/language-rankings-1-15/
[2] I’ll discuss the rationale
for running programming languages in the database, later in this paper.
[3] Request for I/O and resource intensive components run in separate process then
invoke a Callback in the main/single Node
thread, when done.
[4] http://callbackhell.com/
[6] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Rhino
[8] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1555583296
[9] Rule of thumb: when processing more than ~20-25% of target
data, do it in-place, where data resides (i.e., function shipping).
[10] In-database Container for
Hadoop is not available, as of this writing.
[11] Other than database’s specific procedural language, e.g.,
Oracle’s PL/SQL
[12] I discuss this in chapter 2
of my book; see also Oracle database docs.
[13] See Multiple JDK Support in http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/JJDEV/E50793-03.pdf
[14] Oracle does not furnish a
public download of Nashorn.jar for Java 7; search “Nashorn.jar for Java 7”.
[15] https://avatar-js.java.net/
[16] https://avatar-js.java.net/license.html
[17] The upcoming Oracle Node.js
driver was presented at OOW 2014.